Rejection: What Makes the “No” Better?
I received a rejection today.
I was devastated. I am devastated. There is something to falling in love with the potential of possibly, maybe, hopefully, working with a company. To learn the ins and outs and their mission and vision, to begin to envision what work and life would look like working with them. It all adds up into great expectations that are fulfilled to only one.
The candidate experience is difficult. It is painful and the up and down of being hopeful and then in a moment, having your hopes dashed is jarring.
However. What can make this better? Nothing changes the “No” but what can push candidates forward? What honors the time and interest required of candidates?
With the company I have been applying to, my experience was considered every step of the way. Not only considered, but prioritized. I put up to 12 hours into the application steps asked of me. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Yes. It is disappointing I didn’t get a job out of those 12 hours of work. However, I did get practice and experience. I was introduced to new application types, organizational systems, and people.
I await feedback I know will be personal and reflective of the work I put in.
This is the ONLY company who has offered feedback of the 40+ jobs I have applied to.
It makes a difference to know what you did right so you can keep doing it, and know what you did wrong so you can improve on it and get one step closer to your goal.
Thank you to those who honor the candidate experience and special thanks to my new friend!✨
P.S. I’m looking for a job! If you know anyone hiring or any opportunities that open up I am INTERESTED! Thank you!