Higher Education: Was it enough?

As I am nearing the completion of my undergrad, I am reminiscing on the highs and lows of my academic achievement. I just received this notification of achievement. In reviewing the documents that sum up the past few years at college with the courses I have completed and my grades, I ask myself, was it enough, did I work hard enough, did I learn enough, am I good enough? Did I succeed? I wonder if any other current or previous students have felt this as well.

I believe success is what you make it. A professor this week earnestly reminded us, "You are not defined by your grades." That is something that I have let guide me and my decisions since starting an Early College High School where the motto was "create the life you want to live." Success to me is more than the grade. It's the personal growth from struggle, professional growth from failure, emotional growth from forgiveness, and so much more. I would encourage students to look back and think, "How have I grown?" instead of "Am I good enough?" because you have grown.

I am learning that still, but it also seems beneficial to think, "How will I continue to grow?" A couple of dozen job applications in "Am I good enough?" resounds in my mind. The "No thank yous" from dream jobs and even jobs I would settle for have begun to weigh on me. It has been hard to market myself as not only a good candidate for a position, but the BEST, The ONE they want to hire when I have these questions of doubt running through my head.

I want to focus on how I have grown and make every "no" just one step closer to a "yes"! I hope you have a chance to do the same. To students graduating this spring, you are in the home stretch! Keep going!


Rejection: What Makes the “No” Better?