Post Grad: Comparison Game
My education journey
Grades K-3
Grades 4-5
Grade: 5
Grades: 6-8
Grade: 9
Grade: 10
Grades: 11-12
This was my education journey. It probably looks different than yours. Likewise, my career path probably will too. I am often reminded, not everyone gets their dream job right out of college. What is hard about that is that some people do. Some people get their dream job at a great company and that is what universities share, that is what is circulating around your LinkedIn network. The “I am excited to announce my acceptance of [blank] role”. It happens so why not me? Why not you?
Don’t get me wrong I love to celebrate the accomplishments and job opportunities of my peers, but I wanted to encourage students to learn to celebrate where we are at even if it is not a dream job.
I wanted to authentically share what’s next for me as of now. I have been waiting to share until I had exciting news and an impressive job offer. That is not the case. For now.
I will be spending the summer in Arizona with my parents. I hope to utilize resources to continue to professionally develop myself and maybe work a temp job down there just for the summer. I will continue to apply to and pursue job opportunities so when the time is right I hope to be able to come back to the PNW. I have set a goal of 3 months but I am reminding myself to have grace in this season.
You might have already secured your high paying dream role for after college, or maybe you are moving back in with your parents like me, or maybe you are starting a family, or traveling, or dropping out to pursue your craft outside of the classroom or something else entirely. Just like our education paths all look different, so do our career paths.
No matter what you are doing:
Be proud of where you have been.
Focus on your own path.
Keep pursuing your dreams