“It’s Who you Know”

*The wait is over*

🔈 I am beyond excited to announce I have accepted a Lifecycle Marketing Coordinator position at Freedom Financial Network. 🤝🏽

AHH I am giddy just thinking about it.

I never thought I would apply to jobs for 7 months before receiving just 1 offer.

I was told over and over again "It's who you know"

SPOILER ALERT❗: It was who I know.

Little did I know when my mom reached out to a previous coworker to help me network (thanks mom!), that I would be accepting an offer as a direct result of their advocacy, recommendation, and care.

An abundance of thanks to my friend Kimberly for opening up a door for me to be seen and heard.

So often in the candidate process, it can make you feel invisible and inadequate on so many levels. Kimberly was just the start of a huge turnaround for me.

Thank you to Lily Brezler for guiding me through this process and introducing me to the amazing company that is Freedom Financial. You rock!

A big thank you to Julie Kent for giving me a chance. I don't take for granted how lucky I am to get to learn from such an amazing team right out of college.

And as I am JUMPING - and crying - with joy for this new position thank you to Jaeho Lee, Meghan Fern, and Jamie Almond for making me feel so welcomed and appreciated before I even start!

🙏🏼 All the good and all the bad got me here. I am thankful for the friends and mentors that have not ceased to encourage me and develop me. Thanks to God and his provision and to my parents Timothy and Tracey Koehler for supporting me every step of the way.

Gosh, I could go on and on about all the people who have helped me get where I am and its just the beginning. So thank you. If you are still reading this, thank you for being a part of my journey and I can't wait to share more about this experience!🎉

This was well worth the wait.⌛️


Keep Moving Forward